Read it Later on Emacs, Information Intake and Writing

Feb 6, 2022

Recently I read Tiago Forte's post about Read-it-Later flow. It piqued my interest.

I've used several tools to manage my information intake:

  • elfeed for following interesting sites that has RSS support
  • Firefox Reader View to remove clutters of any articles on my browser

However, not every interesting sites offers RSS. I still open many browser tabs, especially when browsing Hacker News feeds.

Pocket solves the problem of remembering my feeds and allowing me to come back to them, without fear of missing out.

Note: Pocket is backed by Mozilla which is trustworthy enough for me. I also use Firebox which has the handy Pocket button built-in

What’s more interesting is, Emacs brings the tooling to the next level.

I think so after I discover pocket-reader.el:

pocket-read.el demo (image source: pocket-reader.el, For the Emacs setup, check out my blog here)

Not only Emacs offers the clutter-free UI for reading text, it integrates seamlessly with my existing note-taking tools, like org-mode and org-web-tools.

With these handy tools, reading text, taking notes, absorbing information and writing about them is all in ONE place.

After reading some productivity books, and trying some note-taking flow, I come to realize: Any tools that get me to write more is good.

Writing is producing. And every output, even produced years ago, is inspect-able, grow-able, improvable, and reusable.

Emacs turns out to be that versatile tool that I can customize and morph to fit this philosophy.

And with pocket-reader.el, it converges my information intake down to the familiar Emacs interface, and prompts me to write more.

I’m excited to adopt the flow and see where it leads!
